Money, Sex, Fame, Health,
Self and Yoga
by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati

Everybody wants
happiness. However, we usually seek it in ways that are dependent on
external stimulus, as if an outer cause leads to an inner effect of
happiness. Surely this process of stimulus-response works to some
degree; we have all experienced this in different ways, where getting
what we want seems to make us feel good, and not getting what we want
seems to make us feel bad. However, what if we knew how to be happy
without any stimulus whatsoever? What if you could just rest in the
deepest feeling of joy, regardless of the external circumstances?
There seems to be two
polarities. Either we think we don't have enough money, or we are
striving to have more so as to feel secure and affluent, pursuing what
has come to be sold as prosperity or abundance consciousness. Either we
don't have a good relationship, or we seek to find the ideal partner so
that we will feel whole, complete and needed. Either we feel lonely and
unknown, or we strive to be famous in some way, to receive accolades
in our personal or professional lives from our family, friends, peers,
or community, so as to feel exuberant with pride. Either we have
questionable health or active disease, doing little for our body with
diet or exercise, or we ardently pursue physical fitness and battle
disease so as to feel the satisfaction of conquering the body.
It often appears that
there only these two polarities and that we have no other choice but
these two. Either we stay stuck where we are, or we seek these seemingly
higher goals. It is extremely common for people to use "spiritual"
methods such as meditation, contemplation, prayer and mantra to attain
these goals. There are many lectures, seminars, books, video and audio programs
on how to do this. We are repeatedly told that we can have anything we
want, that all we have to do is visualize it, and the universe or God
will provide it for us. It is very easy to not see the ego drive behind
this approach to spiritual life. It means we are measuring spiritual
success by our bank account, sex life, popularity and physical
situation. It doesn't take a great deal of reflection to see that these
are reframes of attachment, hedonism or greed,
which have generally been seen as obstacles to attenuate, rather than
goals to be attained.
However, there is a
third choice, which is far beyond this oversimplified perspective of
having or not having the objects or circumstances of our desire world.
There is a way of being, a higher goal, that has nothing to do with
whether our desires are, or are not fulfilled. In fact, it completely
transcends the issue of desire. This is not to suggest that one should
starve in poverty, grieve with loneliness, mourn in desolation, or
suffer in physical pain.
Imagine for a moment
that you were in such a state of mind that you always felt complete,
regardless of whether or not you have any money at all. Imagine for a
moment that you truly felt whole, with or without any other partner
being in your life. Imagine for a moment that you felt at complete
peace, even if no person had ever heard of your name or accomplishments.
Imagine for a moment that you were in constant contact with that level
of your being that was never born, is not and cannot be diseased, and
can never die, and is not subject to any other of the impermanent
vagaries of the physical body. To know the Self, the Atman or Purusha,
the center of consciousness is to rest in the awareness of, to realize
that which is beyond all of these surface level sufferings. It is to
seek the awareness of the pre-existing wholeness or union that is
sometimes called Yoga.
This can sound like a
campaign promoting poverty, loneliness, isolation and decay. Those
promoting the worldly solutions will often sell their wares in this way,
by saying that words such as these are designed to leave
people where they are, or to be miserable in life, as if these words are
suggesting some future afterlife will be more fulfilling. This is very
far from the message of pursuing Self-Realization. One who seeks to know
the eternal, pure, ever-joyous center of consciousness can easily live
in the world, and enjoy the objects of the world at the same time. Such
a person can and will naturally have all that is needed, will have close
relationships, will have active and enriching engagement with the
community, and will naturally move toward physical health and well
being. However, those are not the goals, but are the natural byproducts
of sincerely, passionately seeking that single higher goal.
Mind is very tricky. It
will try to reason that, "Okay, so to get money, sex, fame and health I
need to pursue enlightenment. Good, let me do that, so that I get what I
want." That is a game of the mind. The primary goal of seeking the
direct experience of that eternally joyous center of consciousness is
being skipped over once again, in the name of the lesser goals. However,
one who repeatedly seeks that single, higher goal, by whatever name you
choose to call it, will find that those secondary goals come easily.
They become pleasant experiences of life, but can have no effect
whatsoever on whether "I" am feeling "good" or "I" am feeling "bad." One
who knows the Self, the Atman can live in the world, but yet be above
the world. Even for one who has not attained permanent awareness of this
Self, which is the Self of all, but who is consciously, persistently,
though gently pursuing it, will find that the other pleasures will come,
resting on the foundation of the higher.
This is so elegantly
simple and profoundly practical, bringing such grand results, that it
can be repeatedly overlooked. By being ever mindful that the highest joy
is already there, in the inner chamber of our being, in fact, being who
we really are, life becomes very straightforward and happy. Moving
towards this one goal brings many fruits along the way. Life becomes
poetry and song, filled with joy. And one day, when least expected,
when, in a moment, there is no expectation at all, the Self, Truth, or
God is revealed, and that leaves all of the other pleasant experiences
pale by comparison to this which is incomparable and inexplicable.
This site is devoted
to presenting the ancient Self-Realization path of the Tradition of
the Himalayan masters in simple, understandable and beneficial ways,
while not compromising quality or depth. The goal of our sadhana or
practices is the highest Joy that comes from the Realization in
direct experience of the center of consciousness, the Self, the
Atman or Purusha, which is one and the same with the Absolute
Reality. This Self-Realization comes through Yoga meditation of the
Yoga Sutras, the contemplative insight of Advaita Vedanta, and the
intense devotion of Samaya Sri Vidya Tantra, the three of which
complement one another like fingers on a hand. We employ the
classical approaches of Raja, Jnana, Karma, and Bhakti Yoga, as well
as Hatha, Kriya, Kundalini, Laya, Mantra, Nada, Siddha, and Tantra
Yoga. Meditation, contemplation, mantra and prayer finally converge
into a unified force directed towards the final stage, piercing the
pearl of wisdom called bindu, leading to the Absolute.