Site Map for SwamiJ.com
Featured or most
important articles are listed first. A thorough alphabetical listing is
further below. Some of the
articles are listed more than once for searching convenience. Some of the links are to sections within larger
About the Site,
About the Site
Additions and Revisions to the site
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Comments from others about the site
How to use this Site
Bio of Swami Jnaneshvara
Contact Swami Jnaneshvara
Glossaries of terms
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Facebook - SwamiJ.com page
Facebook - Yoga Nidra Meditation CD page
Facebook - Traditional Yoga page
Facebook - Center for Nondualism
Group Discussion page
Facebook - Center for Nondualism Organization page
Newsletters - Descriptions of all three
of my newsletters
Newsletter - Yoga Meditation (Yahoo)
Newsletter - Yoga Sutras
Newsletter - Abhyasa Ashram, Florida Activities (Yahoo)
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Florida (Yahoo)
Twitter of Swami J
Blog through Blogger
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Satsang and community in your city or
Publications, Print, CDs, Videos
CDs by Swami
Jnaneshvara - Yoga Nidra
and Basic Meditation
Booklets by Swami Jnaneshvara through Lulu.com
PDF articles for download
SwamiJ.com en Espaņol - Spanish translations of articles
Online discussion meetings
Podcasts - Audio through this site and iTunes
Podcasts - Direct link to iTunes page
Video Broadcast and Live Satsang Information
Direct Link to Broadcast on Ustream
YouTube videos by Swami
YouTube videos
of Swami Rama (independent site)
Tradition of the
Himalayan Masters
Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra
What is a Swami?
Sanatana Dharma
Personal Source of Inspiration
Swami Rama:
About Swami Rama
Index of Articles by Swami Rama
Swami Rama Teachings Booklet (39-page PDF file)
The Path of Swami Rama (49-page PDF file)
(Scroll down for complete list of articles in alphabetical order)
the word "Yoga" is used on this website
Yoga - Meaning and Highlights
Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Meditation
Summary Table of Beginning, Intermediate,
and Advanced Meditation
Seven Skills to Cultivate for Yoga Meditation
Four Practices - Meditation, Contemplation, Prayer, Mantra
The Simplest Meditation
Attitudes Meditations and Mindfulness
Veiling and
Projecting - Avidya and Adhyasa
Practice and Non-Attachment - Abhyasa
and Vairagya
Five Efforts and Commitments
Mindfulness and Concentration in Yoga Meditation
Four Steps of Meditation
Training the Ten Senses or Indriyas
Breathing Practices
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Four Paths of Yoga: Jnana, Bhakti,
Karma, Raja
Karma and the Sources of Actions, Speech and Thoughts
Karma - Archery and the Art of Karma
Four Functions of Mind: Manas, Chitta, Ahamkara, Buddhi
Suggestions on Using Mantra
Seven Great Contemplations
- Mahavakyas
Yoga Nidra - Yogic
Conscious Deep Sleep
Understanding and Practicing the
Teachings of Swami Rama - Booklet
Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra
Shakti, Kundalini, and the River of Tantra Yoga
Bindu and the Three Streams of Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra
Self-Realization in
the Himalayan Tradition
Modern Yoga versus Traditional Yoga
(Featured Articles are above)
108 Beads on a Mala
Abhyasa Ashram
About the website
Additions and Revisions to Articles
Advanced Meditation
Agni Sara
Ahamkara: Four Functions of Mind
Ahimsa, Non-harming
Amrita Gita
Antahkarana - Four Functions of Mind
Aparokshanubhuti - Shankara
Archery and the Art of Karma
Ashtavakra Gita
Ashrams: Four Ashrams (stages) of Life
Asim School
Atheism - Theism, Atheism, Yoga,
and Fear
Atma Bodha - Shankara
Atma-Shatakam, Song of the Self -
Attitudes Meditations and Mindfulness
Avidya and Adhyasa - Veiling and Projecting
Balanced Mind Picture
Beach Photos at Fort Walton Beach
Beginning Meditation
Be Still and Know
Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Meditation
Summary Table of Beginning, Intermediate,
and Advanced Meditation
Beyond the Gross and Subtle Realm
Bhaja Govindam - Shankara
Bhakti - Four Paths of Yoga: Jnana, Bhakti,
Karma, Raja
Bhumikas, Seven - Varaha Upanishad
Bhuta Shuddhi Meditation
Bindu and the Three Streams of Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra
Bio - Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati
Black page
Blank page
Book Reviews by Swami Jnaneshvara
Breathing Practices
Breathing, Diaphragmatic
Broadcast and Live Video Satsang
Buddhi - Four Functions of Mind
Calendar of Activities with Swami Jnaneshvara
Canvas: Self Behind the Paint and the Canvas
CD: Basic Yoga Meditation
CD: Yoga Nidra
Center for Nondualism
Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces
Chakra Meditation
Challenge - An Inspiring Challenge
from Swami Rama
Chariot - Who's Driving Your Chariot
Chicken and the Egg, Nondualism
and Gods
Chitta - Four Functions of Mind
Christian Yoga - Indirectly Promoting Traditional Yoga
Christianity - Exoteric and
Esoteric Christianity
Christianity - Yoga and
Christianity: Loving with All Your Parts
See also "Religion" below
Clouded Mind
Comments on the SwamiJ.com website
Complementary Practices - Meditation, Contemplation, Prayer, Mantra
Computers and Consciousness
Concentration - Mindfulness and Concentration in Yoga Meditation
Consciousness and Cake
Construction of Religion
Contemplation - Meditation, Contemplation, Prayer, Mantra
Contemplations - Seven Mahavakyas, Great Contemplations
Conversion is an Act of Violence
Crest Jewel of Discrimination -
Vivekachudamani (1)
Crest Jewel of Discrimination -
Vivekachudamani (2)
Daily Internal Dialogues
Daily Goals
Danda Diksha of Swami Jnaneshvara
Dasnami - Ten names of the swami orders
Dattatreys - Twenty Four Gurus of Dattatreya
Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha: Four Aspects of
Dharma - What is Sanatana Dharma
Dharma - Sanatana Dharma and
Dhatus - The Seven Tissues
Deities in the Himalayan Tradition
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Diet and Meditation
Downloads of PDF files
Dualism and Nondualism
Einstein Quotes
Emotions - Swami Rama
Emotions, Mind and Ego -
Swami Rama
Emotions and Karma
Emotions - Two Faces of Emotions in Yoga
Enlightenment - Stages of
Entire Process of Meditation
Faces of Nondualism (pdf)
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Figures used on SwamiJ.com website
Five Efforts and Commitments
Five Stages of Meditation
Flexibility in the Practice Sequence
Flight Management - Meditation, Mind
and the Flight Management Computer
Florida - Yoga Meditation in
Fort Walton Beach
Fort Walton Beach Hotels
Four Aspects of Life: Purusharthas: Dharma,
Artha, Kama, Moksha
Four Ashrams (Stages) of Life
Four Practices - Meditation, Contemplation, Prayer, Mantra
Four Functions of Mind - Coordinating
Manas, Chitta, Ahamkara, Buddhi
Four Means and Six Virtues
Sadhana Chatshtaya / Shatsampat
Four Paths of Yoga: Jnana, Bhakti,
Karma, Raja
Four Stages (ashrams) of Life
Four Steps of Meditation
Frawley - Self Inquiry
Gazing, Trataka /
Trataka (2) / Trataka (3) /
Trataka Sohum
Gayatri Mantra
Goals of Life - Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha: Four Aspects of
God - What God Is
God - What god or gods do you believe in?
Gods - Gods and the Celestial
Gods - Chicken and the Egg,
Nondualism and Gods
Guru Chakra
Guru Grace and Shaktipata
Guru and the Light Within
Guru is a Stream
Guru and Divine Grace
Guru - Twenty Four Gurus of Dattatreya
Handout - Witnessing
Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Health - Holistic Health - 9
Suggestions from Swami Rama
Himalayan Institute
Hinduism - Does it Teach that all Religions are the Same?
Hinduism Today - Timeline
Hinduism - Yoga and the Words Hindu and Hinduism
Hindus - We Are All Hindus Now
History of Religion and Wars
History of Yoga - Georg Feuerstein
Holistic Health - 9 Suggestions from
Swami Rama
Hotels - Fort Walton Beach Hotels
How to use the SwamiJ.com site
Human Rights - Universal Declaration of
Human Rights
Illusion - Purple Dots
Index - About
Index - Basics
Index - CDs
Index - Connections
Index - Fun and Miscellaneous
Index - Icons
Index - Interactive
Index - Karma
Index - Kundalini
Index - Levels of Consciousness
Index - Lifestyle
Index - Mantra
Index - Meditation
Index - Mind
Index - Philosophy
Index - Practices
Index - Tradition
Index - Yoga
Index - Yoga Sutras
Indian Philosophy - Six
Schools of Indian Philosophy
Indic Contribution Towards
Understanding the Word Religion
Indriyas - Training the Ten Senses or Indriyas
Inspiring Challenge from Swami Rama
Intermediate Meditation
Inviting Thoughts to Come
Is Yoga a Religion?
Ischial Tuberosity - Sitz Bones
Japa - Mantra, Japa and Ajapa Japa
Jnana - Four Paths of Yoga: Jnana, Bhakti,
Karma, Raja
Jokes and Quotes
Karma and the Sources of Actions, Speech and Thoughts
Karma - Archery and the Art of Karma
Karma - Four Paths of Yoga: Jnana, Bhakti,
Karma, Raja
Kundalini Awakening Index
Kundalini Awakening (several separate, linked pages)
1) Prana
usually flows in Ida or Pingala
2) Prana is
made to flow in Ida and Pingala
3) Prana is
made to flow in Sushumna
4) Kundalini
Energy is Awakened
5) Kundalini
6) Kundalini
rises to Sahasrara, Crown Chakra
Kundalini - Shakti, Kundalini, and the River of Tantra Yoga
Lady Turning
Lead Me
Loop of Lead Me
Levels and Dimensions of Consciousness
Lifestyle and Four Basic Urges
Loop - Lead Me
Loop - Mahatripurasundari
Loop - Mahavakyas
Loop - Meditation Today
Loop - Purna
Loop - Shiva and Shakti are One and the Same
Loop - Yoga Sutras 1.1-1.5
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra 108
Mahatripurasundari - Loop
Mahavakyas, Seven Great Contemplations
Mahavakyas - Loop
Manas - Four Functions of Mind
Mandukya Upanishad
Mantra, 13 Tips on Using Mantra
Mantra, Brain and Words
Mantra, Japa and Ajapa Japa
Mantra, Gayatri
Mantra, Mahamrityunjaya
Mantra, Maranatha
Mantra, Om Mantra and Seven Levels of Consciousness
Mantra, Om Mantra and Seven Methods of Practice
Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya (Panchakshara Mantra)
Mantra - Soham Mantra
Mantra - Soham Mantra 108
Mantra - Soham Mantra and Breath
Maslow's Needs Hierarchy and Advanced Yoga Psychology
Meaning and Purpose of Yoga, Bhole Prabhu
Meditation - 50+ Types of Meditation
Meditation, Mind and the Flight Management Computer
Meditation - Mindfulness and Concentration in Yoga Meditation
Meditation - One Line Short-Course in Yoga Meditation
World /
Senses /
Body /
Breath /
Mind /
Meditation - A Program
for Progress in Meditation
Meditation - Seven Skills to Cultivate for Yoga
Meditation - Simplest Meditation
Meditation - Steps in Yoga Meditation
Meditation - Systematic Meditation
Meditation - Time and Place for Yoga
Meditation Today - In Your Meditation Today
Meditation Today - In Your Meditation Today - 108 times
Meditation - Vedantic Meditation
Meditation - Who
Benefits from Yoga Meditation
Meditation - Who is the Witness?
Meditation as a Whole or a Part?
Meditation - Why Should I Meditate?
Meditation - Witnessing /
Witnessing Summary
Meditation - Yoga Meditation
described in 16 parts
Meetings Online
Mind Map
Mindfulness and Concentration in Yoga Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation
Modern Yoga versus Traditional Yoga
Money, Sex, Fame, Health, Self and Yoga
Mysticism, Yoga and Religion
Nirvana-Shatakam, Song of the Self
- Shankara
Noah's Ark
Nondualism - Dualism and Nondualism
Now, Future, and the Phantom of Contradiction
Om Mantra and the Seven Levels of Consciousness
Om Mantra and Seven Methods of Practice
Om Mantra - 125,000 Repetitions
Om Namah Shivaya Mantra (Panchakshara Mantra)
One Line Short-Course in Yoga Meditation
World /
Senses /
Body /
Breath /
Mind /
Online discussion meetings
Our Tradition
Panchikaranam - Shankara
PDF file downloads
Perspective of Gross to Subtle through Planets
and Stars
Philosophy - Index of
Philosophy - Sankhya Yoga
Philosophy - Six Schools of
Indian Philosophy
Podcasts - Audio Recordings by Swami Jnaneshvara
Podcasts - Direct link to iTunes page
Practices, Witnessing and Internal
Prakriti - Sankhya Yoga
Preparation - Four Means and Six Virtues
Sadhana Chatshtaya / Shatsampat
Primitive Fountains - Lifestyle and Four Basic
Program for Progress in
Purusha - Sankhya Yoga
Purusharthas, Four Aspects of Life: Dharma,
Artha, Kama, Moksha
Quotes - Jokes and Quotes
Raja - Four Paths of Yoga: Jnana, Bhakti,
Karma, Raja
Realization Beyond the Gross and Subtle Realm
Reflections of Swami Jnaneshvara
Relaxation Techniques
Religion - Christianity: See "Christianity" (above)
Religion - History of Religion and Wars
Religion - Indic Contribution Towards
Understanding the Word Religion
Religion - Is Yoga a Religion?
Religion - Mysticism, Yoga and Religion
Religion - Theism, Atheism,
Yoga, and Fear
Religion - World Congress for the
Preservation of Religious Diversity
Religion - Yoga and
Institutional Religion
Rotating Circles
Sadhana Panchakam - Shankara
Sanatana Dharma and Hinduism
Sanatana Dharma - What is Sanatana
Sankhya Philosophy
Satya, Truthfulness
Saundaryalahari - Sri Vidya
Secret of Shiva and Shakti
Self-Inquiry, David Frawley
Self-Realization in
the Himalayan Tradition
Self-Realization - Who Seeks Self-Realization
Seven Bhumikas - Varaha Upanishad
Seven Skills to Cultivate for Yoga Meditation
Seven Stages of Development -
Varaha Upanishad
Skaktipata Guru Grace
Shakti, Kundalini, and the River of Tantra Yoga
Shankara Bio
Shankara - Aparokshanubhuti
Shankara - Atma Bodha
Shankara - Atma-Shatakam, Song of
the Self
Shankara - Bhaja Govindam
Shankara - Panchikaranam
Shankara - Sadhana
Shankara - Siddhanta
Tattva Vindu
Shankara - Vakya Sudha, Bala
Shankara - Vakya Vritti
Shankara - Vivekachudamani,
Crest Jewel of Discrimination (1)
Shankara - Vivekachudamani,
Crest Jewel of Discrimination (2)
Shankara - Siddhanta
Tattva Vindu
Shiva and Shakti - Secret of Shiva and
Shiva Sutras
Shortcut to Self-Realization
Simplest Meditation
Sitz Bones - Ischial Tuberocity
Six Schools of Indian
Six Virtues - Four Means and Six Virtues
Sadhana Chatshtaya / Shatsampat
Soham Mantra
Soham Mantra 108 Repetitions
Soham Mantra and Breath
Soham Trataka - Gazing /
Trataka (1), Gazing /
Trataka (2) / Trataka (3)
Spanish Articles - SwamiJ.com en Espaņol
Sri Vidya - Samaya Tantra
Sri Vidya - Saundaryalahari
Sri Vidya - Swami
Rama Videos (external link)
Stages of Enlightenment
Stages of Life - Four Stages (ashrams) of
Stairway to Heaven
Start Where You Are
Steps in Meditation
Swami - What is a Swami?
SwamiJ.com - How to use SwamiJ.com
Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati Bio page
Swami Rama - 9 Suggestions on Holistic
Swami Rama - Gods and the
Celestial World
Swami Rama - Index of Articles by
Swami Rama
Swami Rama - Inspiring Challenge from
Swami Rama
Swami Rama - Understanding
Teachings and Practices Booklet
Swami Rama -Bio
Systematic Meditation
Tantra - Bindu and the Three Streams
Tantra - Mahatripurasundari - Loop
Tantra - Shakti, Kundalini, and the River of Tantra
Tantra - Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra
Tantra - See also Tripura (below) and Mahatripursundari (above)
Tarot - Swami Jnaneshvara
Theism, Atheism, Yoga, and Fear
Time and Place for Yoga Meditation
Timeline - Hinduism Today
Tradition of the Himalayan Masters
Tradition - Our Tradition
Traditional Yoga - Modern Yoga versus
Traditional Yoga
Trataka, Gazing /
Trataka (2) /
Trataka (3) /
Trataka Sohum
Tripura - Bindu and the Three Streams
Tripura - Bahvricha Upanishad
Tripura - Tripura Upanishad
Tripura Tapini Upanishad
Truth as the Highest "T"
Truthfulness, Satya
Twenty Four Gurus of Dattatreya
Understanding and Practicing the
Teachings of Swami Rama - Booklet
Upanishads - Description and Index
Vakya Sudha, Bala Bodhani - Shankara
Vakya Vritti - Shankara
Vedanta - Bindu and the Three Streams
Vedanta - Yoga, Vedanta and
Vedantasara - by Sadananda
Vedantic Meditation - Frawley
Vivekachudamani, Crest Jewel of
Discrimination (1)
Vivekachudamani, Crest Jewel of
Discrimination (2)
Wake Up - Swami Venkatesananda
We Are All Hindus Now
What do I Want?
What god or gods do you believe in?
What is a Swami?
Who Benefits from Yoga
Who is the Witness?
Whole - Meditation as a Whole or a Part?
Who's Driving Your Chariot
Who Seeks Self-Realization?
Why Should I Meditate?
Wisdom to Live by and Share with Others
Witnessing Summary
Witnessing - Practices,
Witnessing and Internal Dialogue
Witnessing Handout
Yoga - As Used on SwamiJ.com
Yoga - Meaning and Highlights
Yoga - Meaning and Purpose of Yoga, Bhole
Yoga - Yoga Defined
Yoga and Christianity: Loving with All
Your Parts
Yoga Day USA and the Distortion of Yoga in
Yoga Day USA and Ten Reasons for Yoga
Yoga - History of Yoga
Yoga and Institutional
Construction of Religion
Yoga - Is Yoga a Religion?
Yoga - Meaning and Purpose of Yoga - Swami
Yoga Meditation described in 16 parts
Yoga - Modern Yoga versus Traditional
Yoga Nidra:
Yoga Nidra - Yogic Conscious Deep Sleep
Yoga Nidra CD
Yoga Nidra Methods
Yoga Sutras:
Yoga Sutras - Index
Yoga Sutras - Main Page
Yoga Sutras - Introduction
Yoga Sutras - Listed
Yoga Sutras - Narrative
Yoga Sutras - Patanjali
Yoga Sutras - Questions and
Yoga Sutras - Seven Keys
Yoga Sutras - Book Reviews by
Swami Jnaneshvara
Yoga Sutras - Swami
Rama Explains Discipline of Yoga
Yoga Sutras - Swami Rama Explains
Yoga Darshana
Yoga Sutras Chapter 1
Summary of Chapter
1: Concentration, Samadhi Pada
What is Yoga? (1.1-1.4)
Witnessing and Uncoloring thoughts (1.5-1.11)
Practice and non-attachment (1.12-1.16)
Types of concentration (1.17-1.18)
Efforts and commitment (1.19-1.22)
Direct route through AUM (1.23-1.29)
Obstacles and solutions (1.30-1.32)
Stabilizing and clearing the mind (1.33-1.39)
Results of stabilizing the mind (1.40-1.51)
Yoga Sutras Chapter 2
Summary of Chapter
2: Practice, Sadhana Pada
Minimizing gross coloring (2.1-2.9)
Dealing with subtle thoughts (2.10-2.11)
Breaking the alliance of karma (2.12-2.25)
The 8 rungs and discrimination (2.26-2.29)
Yamas and Niyamas, rungs #1 and 2 of 8 (2.30-2.34)
Benefits from Yamas and Niyamas (2.35-2.45)
Asana, rung #3 of 8 (2.46-2.48)
Pranayama, rung #4 of 8 (2.49-2.53)
Pratyahara, rung #5 of 8 (2.54-2.55)
Yoga Sutras Chapter 3
Summary of Chapter
3: Progressing, Vibhuti Pada
(Dharana, dhyana, and samadhi, rungs #6-8 of 8 (3.1-3.3)
Samyama is the finer tool (3.4-3.6)
Internal is seen to be external (3.7-3.8)
Witnessing subtle transitions (3.9-3.16)
Experiences from samyama (3.17-3.37)
What to do with experiences (3.38)
More from samyama (3.39-3.49)
Renunciation and liberation (3.50-3.52)
Higher discrimination (3.53-3.56)
Yoga Sutras Chapter 4
Summary of Chapter
4: Liberation, Kaivalya Pada
Means of attaining experience (4.1-4.3)
Emergence and mastery of mind (4.4-4.6)
Actions and karma (4.7-4.8)
Subconscious impressions (4.9-4.12)
Objects and the three gunas (4.13-4.14)
Mind perceiving objects (4.15-4.17)
Illumination of the mind (4.18-4.21)
Buddhi and liberation (4.22-4.26)
Breaches in enlightenment (4.27-4.28)
Perpetual enlightenment (4.29-4.30)
Knowables become few (4.31)
Gunas after liberation (4.32-4.34)
Yoga Psychology - Maslow's Needs Hierarchy and Yoga Psychology
Yoga Psychology - Two Faces of Emotions
Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra

This site is devoted to
presenting the ancient Self-Realization path of
the Tradition of the Himalayan masters
in simple, understandable and beneficial ways, while not compromising
quality or depth. The goal of our sadhana or practices is the highest
Joy that comes from the Realization in direct experience of the
center of consciousness, the Self, the Atman or Purusha, which is
one and the same with the Absolute Reality.
This Self-Realization comes through Yoga meditation of the Yoga
Sutras, the contemplative insight of Advaita Vedanta, and the
intense devotion of Samaya Sri Vidya Tantra, the three of which
complement one another like fingers on a hand.
We employ the classical approaches of Raja, Jnana, Karma, and Bhakti
Yoga, as well as Hatha, Kriya, Kundalini, Laya, Mantra, Nada, Siddha,
and Tantra Yoga. Meditation, contemplation, mantra and prayer
finally converge into a unified force directed towards the final
stage, piercing the pearl of wisdom called bindu, leading to the
CDs by Swami
