Scroll down for more info, or go directly
to the Yahoo sites by clicking here:
1) Practical Reminders
- (direct link to Yahoo newsletter)
2) Yoga Sutras
- (direct link to Yahoo newsletter)
3) Abhyasa Ashram
- (direct link to Yahoo newsletter)
Practical Reminders: The Practical Reminders Newsletter
shares ideas and quotes related to yoga meditation and sadhana (spiritual practices) for
Yoga Sutras: The Yoga Sutras Newsletter The
newsletters sequentially move through the Yoga Sutras, focusing on their
practical application in meditation.
Abhyasa Ashram: The Abhyasa Ashram newsletter is an
announcement newsletter of activities, most of which are in Florida USA,
though sometimes elsewhere.
(Abhyasa Ashram
Q: Why do you use Yahoo Groups for these
A: It's easy for both you and I to do. I know little of technology. Using Yahoo Groups
allows you to easily subscribe and unsubscribe yourself, without our
having to spend a great deal of time and effort managing a mail list. It's
also designed in a way that is easy to send out the newsletters.
Reminders Newsletter
Reminders Newsletter home page Back issues
NOTE: If you use the box
above, you will receive a confirmation email at the address you
enter in the box. When you receive the confirmation email, you
can click on the link they provide you. Then, you will have a choice
of either clicking on "Join this group," which
then requires you to get a Yahoo ID (and gives full access to
Yahoo features), or you may click on "As an alternate
option you may join the mailing list instead," which does
not require a Yahoo ID (but does not give full access to Yahoo
features, which you don't need for this newsletter). OR, you can
just send an email to the subscribe address below, and you will
automatically be subscribed (without full access to Yahoo
No Yahoo ID needed: When
you receive the confirmation email you will have a choice of
whether to get a Yahoo ID. The link for confirming without
a Yahoo ID is smaller, so you'll have to look for it.
Or, to subscribe,
send a blank
email to:
To unsubscribe, send a blank email
of address: If you want to change
your address, please do these two simple steps:
Send a blank email to the
unsubscribe address (above) from your
old email address, and this will delete the old address.
Send a blank email to the
subscribe address (above) from your
new email address, and this will add the new address.
If you have a Yahoo ID, you
can also change your address by going to the Yahoo
newsletter home page, and clicking on Edit My Membership at the
top right.
newsletters stop coming:
Sometimes the newsletter may stop coming. Usually this happens
because your email box became full and the emails bounced.
Sometimes your service provider thinks that the newsletter is
junk mail and deletes it. Yahoo sends out notices to you of
bouncing, and you might have to click some button to reactivate.
Or, you might have to re-subscribe to be sure.
If you are not sure whether you are already on the newsletter list,
you may re-subscribe and it will have no negative effect, i.e., you cannot
accidentally be subscribed two times with the same email address.

You can also
receive the newsletter by RSS, by going to the Swami
J Newsletter homepage on Yahoo (I don't understand
how this works, but I'm putting this info here because
you might.) |
Yoga Sutras Newsletter
Sutras Newsletter home page Back issues
NOTE: If you use the box
above, you will receive a confirmation email at the address you
enter in the box. When you receive the confirmation email, you
can click on the link they provide you. Then, you will have a choice
of either clicking on "Join this group," which
then requires you to get a Yahoo ID (and gives full access to
Yahoo features), or you may click on "As an alternate
option you may join the mailing list instead," which does
not require a Yahoo ID (but does not give full access to Yahoo
features, which you don't need for this newsletter). OR, you can
just send an email to the subscribe address below, and you will
automatically be subscribed (without full access to Yahoo
No Yahoo ID needed: When
you receive the confirmation email you will have a choice of
whether to get a Yahoo ID. The link for confirming without
a Yahoo ID is smaller, so you'll have to look for it.
Or, to subscribe, send a blank
email to:
To unsubscribe, send a blank email
of address: If you want to change
your address, please do these two simple steps:
Send a blank email to the
unsubscribe address (above) from your
old email address, and this will delete the old address.
Send a blank email to the
subscribe address (above) from your
new email address, and this will add the new address.
If you have a Yahoo ID, you
can also change your address by going to the Yahoo
newsletter home page, and clicking on Edit My Membership at the
top right.
newsletters stop coming:
Sometimes the newsletter may stop coming. Usually this happens
because your email box became full and the emails bounced.
Sometimes your service provider thinks that the newsletter is
junk mail and deletes it. Yahoo sends out notices to you of
bouncing, and you might have to click some button to reactivate.
Or, you might have to re-subscribe to be sure.
If you are not sure whether you are already on the newsletter list,
you may re-subscribe and it will have no negative effect, i.e., you cannot
accidentally be subscribed two times with the same email address.

You can also
receive the newsletter by RSS, by going to the Yoga-Sutras homepage
on Yahoo (I don't understand how this works, but I'm putting this info here because you
might.) |
Abhyasa Ashram
Ashram Newsletter home page Back issues
newsletter is mostly about local activities in Florida USA, and
may not be of much interest to those in other locations. Click
here for map.)
NOTE: If you use the box
above, you will receive a confirmation email at the address you
enter in the box. When you receive the confirmation email, you
can click on the link they provide you. Then, you will have a choice
of either clicking on "Join this group," which
then requires you to get a Yahoo ID (and gives full access to
Yahoo features), or you may click on "As an alternate
option you may join the mailing list instead," which does
not require a Yahoo ID (but does not give full access to Yahoo
features, which you don't need for this newsletter). OR, you can
just send an email to the subscribe address below, and you will
automatically be subscribed (without full access to Yahoo
No Yahoo ID needed: When
you receive the confirmation email you will have a choice of
whether to get a Yahoo ID. The link for confirming without
a Yahoo ID is smaller, so you'll have to look for it.
Or, to subscribe, send a blank
email to:
To unsubscribe, send a blank email
of address: If you want to change
your address, please do these two simple steps:
Send a blank email to the
unsubscribe address (above) from your
old email address, and this will delete the old address.
Send a blank email to the
subscribe address (above) from your
new email address, and this will add the new address.
If you have a Yahoo ID, you
can also change your address by going to the Yahoo
newsletter home page, and clicking on Edit My Membership at the
top right.
newsletters stop coming:
Sometimes the newsletter may stop coming. Usually this happens
because your email box became full and the emails bounced.
Sometimes your service provider thinks that the newsletter is
junk mail and deletes it. Yahoo sends out notices to you of
bouncing, and you might have to click some button to reactivate.
Or, you might have to re-subscribe to be sure.
If you are not sure whether you are already on the newsletter list,
you may re-subscribe and it will have no negative effect, i.e., you cannot
accidentally be subscribed two times with the same email address.

You can also
receive the newsletter by RSS, by going to the Abhyasa
Ashram homepage on Yahoo (I don't understand how
this works, but I'm putting this info here because you
might.) |
This site is devoted
to presenting the ancient Self-Realization path of the Tradition of
the Himalayan masters in simple, understandable and beneficial ways,
while not compromising quality or depth. The goal of our sadhana or
practices is the highest Joy that comes from the Realization in
direct experience of the center of consciousness, the Self, the
Atman or Purusha, which is one and the same with the Absolute
Reality. This Self-Realization comes through Yoga meditation of the
Yoga Sutras, the contemplative insight of Advaita Vedanta, and the
intense devotion of Samaya Sri Vidya Tantra, the three of which
complement one another like fingers on a hand. We employ the
classical approaches of Raja, Jnana, Karma, and Bhakti Yoga, as well
as Hatha, Kriya, Kundalini, Laya, Mantra, Nada, Siddha, and Tantra
Yoga. Meditation, contemplation, mantra and prayer finally converge
into a unified force directed towards the final stage, piercing the
pearl of wisdom called bindu, leading to the Absolute.