Self-Realization through Yoga Meditation of the Yoga Sutras, the contemplative insight of Advaita Vedanta, and the intense devotion of Samaya Sri Vidya Tantra





Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Numbering

Numbering in Chapter 3

Two sutras are sometimes not included: In Chapter 3, there are two sutras that are not included in all of the renditions from the various translators or commentators. These two sutras are included here, in this rendition; they are sutras 3.20 and 3.22. Whether these two were originally in the Yoga Sutras and have been omitted, or have been added later is not clear. 

This affects later numbers in the chapter: The inclusion or exclusion of these two affects the numbering of all the subsequent sutras in the chapter, and can lead to some confusion if you are trying to learn from different sources. Those later sutras might each be numbered with one of three different numbers.

The alternate numbers are noted for clarity: To help you be able to cross-reference between the various renditions, all of the sutras from 3.20 to the end of Chapter 3 have a notation of the other possible numbers. The notation is written just below the transliterated Sanskrit of those sutras.

Other numbering

Dividing sutras: Some translators and commentators might divide individual sutras differently. Thus, a single sutra might become two sutras, again shifting the numbering through the rest of the chapter. This doesn't happen often, but it's good to know about this, in case you are looking at two books and notice that two sutra numbers do not address the same subject.


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This site is devoted to presenting the ancient Self-Realization path of the Tradition of the Himalayan masters in simple, understandable and beneficial ways, while not compromising quality or depth. The goal of our sadhana or practices is the highest Joy that comes from the Realization in direct experience of the center of consciousness, the Self, the Atman or Purusha, which is one and the same with the Absolute Reality. This Self-Realization comes through Yoga meditation of the Yoga Sutras, the contemplative insight of Advaita Vedanta, and the intense devotion of Samaya Sri Vidya Tantra, the three of which complement one another like fingers on a hand. We employ the classical approaches of Raja, Jnana, Karma, and Bhakti Yoga, as well as Hatha, Kriya, Kundalini, Laya, Mantra, Nada, Siddha, and Tantra Yoga. Meditation, contemplation, mantra and prayer finally converge into a unified force directed towards the final stage, piercing the pearl of wisdom called bindu, leading to the Absolute.










Yoga Nidra Meditation CD by Swami Jnaneshvara
Yoga Nidra CD
Swami Jnaneshvara