Swami Rama Controversy
The people who do the
most in the world are often surrounded by controversy, whether the
reason for the controversy is real or contrived.
While Swami Rama has been called great saint, yogi, avatar, and one of
the most advanced spiritual teachers of the 20th century, there were
also critics. As seems to be the case with the population in general,
there was a tiny percentage of the millions of people who knew of, or
had contact with Swami Rama who were looking for a target, and were
determined to undermine the work and the teacher. They spoke of him as
thief, con-man, fraud, and lecherous. Some even threatened to ruin him
by having him framed for crimes such as murder.
When attacks would come from time to time, Swami Rama would say, "Do not
defend me." On he would go, undaunted, continuing his teaching, giving,
smiling, laughing, loving and serving others.
In the world of today, defending oneself against such charges can
require publicly humiliating, discrediting, or defaming the attacker and
their supporters. However, the foundation principle of yoga is ahimsa,
or non-violence. This principle applies not only to students, but even
more so to teachers and masters. [Master means mastery of oneself, not
over other people.]
In the face of attacks, while a master may or may not choose to deny the
charges, it would be virtually impossible for the authentic master to
turn against his own student by publicly attacking that student in
defense of himself. In the spirit of ahimsa, non-violence, Swami Rama
and the tradition of the Himalayan masters would rather the name of the
teacher be defamed than to protect that name at the expense of the
After Swami Rama had already left the body, some students allowed his
name to become defamed, as they distanced themselves and their
institutions from him in order to save their own financial and other
interests. Even Swami Rama's own legally documented written statement of
denial and the voices of those closest to him were not permitted to be
seen or heard in public forums. Ironically, these self-protection
efforts failed financially, and served only to bring down the name of
the teacher.
Thus, it seems unlikely that the public at large will ever be fully
informed of the true nature of, and motives for such charges. It is also
unlikely that the public at large will ever know why the would-be
defenders later chose to act in ways intended to serve their own
interests at the expense of the reputation of their deceased teacher.
Because of the combined actions of the accusers, co-conspirators and
supporters, and the would-be defenders, there will therefore always be
an air of uncertainty.
While staying focused on his mission, Swami Rama also respected the
rights of all people to think, feel, and act independently. He
consistently taught students to use reasoned faith rather than blind
faith, encouraging people to be self reliant rather than to become mere
Whether one thinks of him as rascal or rishi, as sinner or sage, Swami
Rama has had an indelible positive effect on our modern world, and has
left a tremendous legacy of presenting the ancient teachings of the
Himalayan masters in such simple, straightforward, and practical ways
that all people may understand and benefit.
Swami Rama's presentation of this perennial wisdom and methodology is so
clear, concise and accessible that it will continue to serve humanity
for many years to come.
The invisible force of the meditation tradition of the Himalayan masters
will continue to guide. This grace is itself who Swami Rama truly was
and is.

This site is devoted to
presenting the ancient Self-Realization path of
the Tradition of the Himalayan masters
in simple, understandable and beneficial ways, while not compromising
quality or depth. The goal of our sadhana or practices is the highest
Joy that comes from the Realization in direct experience of the
center of consciousness, the Self, the Atman or Purusha, which is
one and the same with the Absolute Reality.
This Self-Realization comes through Yoga meditation of the Yoga
Sutras, the contemplative insight of Advaita Vedanta, and the
intense devotion of Samaya Sri Vidya Tantra, the three of which
complement one another like fingers on a hand.
We employ the classical approaches of Raja, Jnana, Karma, and Bhakti
Yoga, as well as Hatha, Kriya, Kundalini, Laya, Mantra, Nada, Siddha,
and Tantra Yoga. Meditation, contemplation, mantra and prayer
finally converge into a unified force directed towards the final
stage, piercing the pearl of wisdom called bindu, leading to the