Sat Gamaya
Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityorma Anritam Gamaya
me from the unreal to the Real
Lead me from the darkness to the Light
Lead me from the temporary to the Eternal
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

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= untruth; only relatively real; that which is merely manifest out
of something else, such as the pot manifesting out of the clay;
the aspects of ourselves that are really false identities
appearing to be who we are
Real = truth; that unchanging reality, like the clay, out
of which everything else manifests; the true Self, the core of our
= the darkness of ignorance, of not seeing either the world or
ourselves clearly; stemming from the process of ignoring,
which is inherent in ignorance
Light = the light of knowledge, of seeing clearly the true
spiritual nature of things and ourselves
= that which is mortal, subject to death, decay, and
decomposition; our surface identities
Eternal = that which is not subject to death, decay, or
decomposition; the immortal core of our being
Swami Rama: "Prayer is a major
technique used by religionists to seek satisfaction of their
desires and comfort in spite of their frustrations. Many people
who are not acquainted with the basic principles of Vedantic
philosophy think that there are prayers in the Upanishadic
literature. For example: "Lead me from the unreal to the
Real; lead me from darkness to Light; lead me from mortality to
Immortality" may be thought to be a prayer. But it is
actually an expression of the aspirant's spiritual desires that
remind him of his goal of life constantly. It is not a prayer
but a way of maintaining constant awareness of Supreme
Consciousness. It is not asking God or any supernatural being to
help one or to lead one to the higher states. The idea is not to
know God as a different being, but to know one's own real Self
and its essential nature, which is the Self of all. One is not
attaining something that is not already there but is realizing
that which is self-existent. This Upanishadic verse is not a
prayer asking for anything but a way of strengthening constant
awareness of Supreme Consciousness which is the goal of the